Medical Malpractice Insurance
What is Medical Malpractice Insurance?
Medical malpractice insurance provides health care professionals and providers protection against liability due negligence or error in which a treatment or medical procedure causes a financial loss, injury or death of a patient.
A malpractice lawsuit can have financially crippling effects on the medical professional’s reputation and practice. Having the right medical liability policy can safeguard against the risks and costs associated with medical malpractice claims.
Up to U.S $15,000,000 In Liability Protection
In the event a lawsuit is led against you or your practice, you will be covered for:
- Legal and Court costs
- Defense and Attorney fees
- Docket fees and expenses
- Settlement or Judgments liable
Since malpractice suits are extremely costly and the judgments awarded so volatile. Medical malpractice insurance is fundamental to a health care business’s overall risk management strategy.
- Physicians
- Surgeons
- Medical Directors
- Dentists
- Medical Clinics
- Ambulance Services
- Assisted Living Centers
- Medi-Spas
- Lab and Imaging Centers
- Other Health Care Specialists